About Us
Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme​
The Steering Committee is an influential group that regularly meet and discuss the direction and progress of the Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme. It is made up of Gill Westcott (New Prosperity Devon), Andrew Birnie (New Prosperity Devon), Peter Bowers (Mid Devon Wildlife), Christina Dymond (Sustainable Crediton) and Laura Grant (Junior MDWWS Coordinator). This project is kindly funded by the National Lottery Communities Fund.​

Jess Carter - Coordinator of the Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme.
As an environmental professional with experience of practical ecology and research as well as having worked as a project coordinator on a large environmental programme at the National Trust, she is committed to encouraging people to have an appreciation of the natural world and giving simple, practical advice on how to protect it. With a positive and professional approach, she works with energy and enthusiasm to amplify and celebrate the environmental projects taking place in parishes across the Mid Devon District, supporting parishioners and encouraging ideas sharing.