We had a brilliant time welcoming Dorette Engi to a fully packed out room at St George's Church Extension to talk about her Rewilding project. Some great ideas followed...
Thank you for attending the 'Rewilding The Land' event, part of the 'Wild Revival' series that we are running as part of the Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme. we were so thrilled that so many people came along to the event on Monday - I think you'll agree, it was an inspiring talk from Dorette on her rewilding project, and a good opportunity to get to know others interested in nature recovery. There were some great questions and discussions and many brilliant ideas put forward during the brainstorming session.
These included:
Wildlife connections/corridors
Advising/informing farmers about rewilding techniques
Incentivising and rewarding farmers to be more wildlife friendly by leaving margins, protecting hedgerows, having greater diversity of crops and soil encouraging soil regeneration
Tunnels under roads for animals to move from one habitat to another
No Mow May (Social media? Schools?)
Wildflower seedbank
Tree nurseries/tree hubs
Find a funding guru (or train some)
More beaver release sites
Connectivity (join communities)
Education (assemblies/presentations in local schools - "looking after nature is fun as well as kind"
Local authorities (make these issues more central to their actions (promote and support)
'No Mow' must look actively managed not 'lazy'
Restriction of light pollution
Connect with Uffculme Green Team
Educating that wild/untidy doesn't mean bad/lazy (QR codes linked to information)
Seed and plant swaps (especially natives)
Council to give awards for wildlife friendly gardens
Involve local young people in small rewilding projects and influence parents
Town centre greening projects (more trees!)
Ask planning authority to enforce 'hedgehog highways' so wildlife is not as fragmented.
We hope to mobilise some of these ideas shortly. Get in touch if you would like to get involved. wwcoordinatormiddevon@gmail.com